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Parish CAFOD contact: Catherine Phillips
CAFOD Lenten Appeal
Family Fast Day will take place on 14th March. By eating simply that day, we would ask that you donate monies saved to the Appeal. There will be envelopes available for this purpose and talks given at all masses on the weekend of 8th/9th March. Please return these the following week and also support the CAFOD coffee morning on 23rd March.
This will enable CAFOD to support the work of local experts in providing simple, effective solutions to the toughest problems facing people around the world.
You can also donate online by searching 'CAFOD envelope'. If you can, a Gift Aid donation adds a free 25% to the amount given.
As well as donating money, your prayers are needed.
CAFOD Stations of the Cross
28th March 7p.m.
​Jubilee Year of Hope
Pope Francis has called us to be 'Pilgrims of Hope' in this Jubilee Year of hope for a suffering world. Through CAFOD, we can work together to turn hope to joy.
​​​​​​​See also the CAFOD notice board in the narthex for further details of CAFOD's work overseas as well as a QR code you can scan to donate.
Contact Catherine to join our CAFOD team and help with events and fundraising.
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