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Eucharistic Ministers
To assist in maintaining a safe environment at Mass, a gradual move towards 'pre-COVID’ Masses will be implemented sensitively with the introduction of Eucharistic Ministers. Ministers will perform their duties as set out in the Guidance (see below). This will start from Sunday 1st Aug 10.30am Mass.
Eucharistic Minister Rotas, provided by Tracy Silvestro, will begin for all Masses from Sat. 6th Aug 6pm / Sunday 7th Aug 8.30am & 10.30am onwards, despite the reduced attendance numbers. This helps us to prepare for when attendance can be expected to increase by September.
Stewarding duties will continue, although these roles will gradually reduce as Masses return to a pre-COVID environment. Maintaining a safe environment is essential in order to both reassure and encourage parishioners to return to Masses and the St Clement's community as a whole.Masks are an important part of a safe environment and will continue to be required wearing (except for parishioners that are exempted).
To address the future planning of the church Masses, another meeting for Eucharistic Ministers will take place in the near future. It is important that as many ministers as possible attend.
GUIDANCE for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Ensure your mask is well-fitting (at Agnus Dei).
Enter sanctuary by the ramp.
Sanitise hands (table top of ramp).
Stand near the altar (Holy Communion will be given to you).
Priest will divide Hosts into ciborium vessels.
Priest and Minister will go near to the church columns (but well distanced).
The Congregation will continue to form in one line under the guidance of the Steward (using markers on floor – although social distancing can now be reduced, if you so wish).
Stewards will still offer guidance.
Communicants will return to their places by the side aisles as before.
​Fr Graham looks forward to welcoming back all Parishioners as and when you feel it is the right time.